The Centre for International Protection of Children and Youth is a Slovakian state administration body established by law and it operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. Its main task is to ensure and provide legal protection for children and young people in situations with international scope.
How can it help you
Complaints related to situations of international protection of children and youth
You can turn to the Centre if you seek consultation, legal advice or legal assistance in matters related to rights of children and youth or parents in international situations. Issues may involve child abductions abroad and child return procedure, enforcement of the right of contact, intercountry adoptions, recovering maintenance obligation or applying for substitute alimony.
The procedure in different situations might vary. In this respect, you should refer to the webpage of the Centre (below) or consult the Centre directly by phone, by e-mail or by a special contact form.
- Acting as the receiving and sending authority in the field of alimony recovery under the provisions of the related international conventions
- Acting as a central body in the field of international child abduction under the international conventions on parental abduction
- Acting as a central body in the field of international adoptions
- Performing other tasks of the social and legal protection of children in international situations
- Providing free legal advice in the field of protection of children's rights in relation to issues concerning foreign countries
- Cooperating with other bodies in EU countries and around the world, which have ratified the relevant international conventions
- Publishing annual reports on the Centre’s activities within its mandate