The Roma Institute (Rómsky inštitút in Slovak) is an NGO advocating human rights and promoting social inclusion of the marginalised Roma communities in Slovakia.
How can it help you
Roma Institute assists in facilitating, mediating and coordinating contacts, dialogue and effective cooperation between various stakeholders (Roma communities, public authorities at various levels, educational facilities, health providers etc.) in order to promote social inclusion of the Roma. The Institute operates a Community Centre in Prešov, where it provides social and career counselling.
- Providing social counselling for the Roma in the Prešov Community Centre
- Organising workshops, conferences and seminars
- Organising social and cultural event
- Research and publication activities focusing on Roma inclusion and prevention and elimination of racism
- Organising training and educational activities
More information & Contacts
Tel: +421 2 55 563 015
Roma Institute (Rómsky inštitút, n.o.)
Dobrovičova 126/3
811 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic