The Open Society Foundation in Slovakia (Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti in Slovak) is an independent non-profit organization promoting values of an open society, operating in the areas of human rights, good governance, critical thinking and inclusive education.

The Foundation was established back in 1992 as one of the member organisations of the Open Society Institute global network, however, since 2013 it has been operating as a fully independent non-profit entity.

How can it help you

The OSF awards grants for NGOs active in the fields of promoting human rights, democratic values and active citizenship. It raises funds from corporate donors and, it acts as managing authority in implementing the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA Funds) programs. In the time period 2018 – 2023 the Foundation helps to award NGOs with grants amounting to 7.7 million Euros from the EEA Active Citizenship Fund. If you seek for more information about the future calls, visit the website of the Fund.


  • Acting as a managing authority of the EEA Active Citizenship Fund
  • Developing social and financial competences of children and young people through a special project run in the frame of the Aflatoun international network
  • Promoting inclusive education and critical thinking by running the project Open schools
  • Taking part in designing civic participation policies in cooperation with the Governmental Plenipotentiary for the Development of Civil Society
  •  Organising civic awareness campaigns and advocacy activities in the field of human     rights and good governance

More information & Contacts
Tel: +421 2 5441 4730
Open Society Foundation (Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti)
Baštová 5
811 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Last updated 07/03/2024