The Centre for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture – CVEK (Centrum pre výskum ethnicity a kultúry in Slovak) is a Slovakian independent NGO that strives to contribute to building a more just and cohesive society through research, analytical and educational activities, defending fundamental human rights principles such as respecting dignity of every person and promoting diversity of society.
How can it help you
CVEK focuses on promoting inclusion of marginalised population groups, primarily Roma and migrants, placing emphasis especially on education, housing, social status, interethnic relations and political participation.
- Research focusing on the situation of individuals and population groups that are unable to participate fully in society’s everyday life
- Participation in the legislative process and in designing public policies by advocating measures that respect human rights and eliminate social disparities
- Cooperation with municipal authorities, central state administration bodies, schools and other public institutions in introducing inclusive education measures into practice
- Promoting the integration of migrants, Roma and other marginalised groups into the society
- Consultation and information activities
More information & Contacts
Tel: +421 2 54 63 06 77
Dobrovičova 3
811 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic