What conditions must be provided and how should you be treated during detention in an immigration context?
You may be detained by the Police Officer/s of the Slovak Republic for the time as reasonably necessary, but for not more than six months. The police department is authorized to repeatedly extend the detention during this period, with the total time of detention not exceeding six months. If it may be anticipated that in spite of the necessary steps taken to execute the administrative expulsion, the execution will be prolonged due to poor cooperation of the third-country or due to a failure of the consulate to issue an emergency travel document within the period of time, the police department may decide, even repeatedly, to extend the period of detention, where the total period of extension may not exceed 12 months.
Minors with no statutory representative shall not be detained. Other vulnerable persons may be detained only in unavoidable cases and for as short period of time as possible. You have the right to humane living conditions and medical care in the place you are held, as well as the right to communicate with the outside world.
About this section
This section of the Guide will explain how you should be treated and when particular treatment may result in human rights violations.