You can submit your complaint in writing.


You do not need to fill in a specific form, but the Committee strongly encourages using the model form it has developed.

Download Model Complaint Form.


You need to submit your complaint in one of the United Nations Secretariat’s working languages: English, French, Spanish or Russian.


In your application, you need to clearly state:

  • your full name, nationality, date of birth and contact details
  • the State which has violated your rights
  • which human rights have been violated
  • how they were violated (what happened, in chronological order, starting from the beginning to the end)
  • when it happened
  • which state institutions or officials were involved
  • a detailed description about where you complained about the violation (to which institutions or officials you complained about this situation and what their responses were, from the first complaint to the last decision)
  • the application needs to be signed and dated

Your application needs to be clear and understandable and have sufficient arguments based on facts and law to show that there was a violation. Try to write only about facts and issues which were related to the violation about which you are complaining. Try to keep the text simple and focused to help the Committee to better understand what has happened and avoid emotional or derogatory language.


You should add all the documents (especially the complaints you have made and the responses received) that are related to the situation you are complaining about, to your application. If you are writing on someone else’s behalf, you need to add a power of attorney authorising you to do so. If these documents are not in one of the United Nations languages, you need to add a full, or a summary of, the translation of these documents.

Time limits

You should submit your complaint as soon as possible after you have exhausted all of the available national complaint mechanisms. An application with all the additional documents should be sent to the Committee as soon as possible. The deadline for sending the application is set one year after the exhaustion of domestic remedies, unless you can prove you were unable to submit it before that deadline.


Applications must be sent to the following email address:

Paper communications will not be processed unless you can justify that it would be impossible to submit the communication electronically.

Paper applications must be sent to the following address:

Petitions and Inquiries Section
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 
United Nations Office at Geneva 
1211 Geneva 10

Legal aid

You are not entitled to a free lawyer to represent or assist you with your complaint to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Neither the Committee nor the Slovak state will provide you with a lawyer or pay for your lawyer’s services. 

If you wish to hire a lawyer, you must take into account that you will have to pay for his/her services yourself.

Detailed information about what to write in your application is available on the website of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.


Last updated 07/08/2024