You must be represented to bring proceedings to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

The Court will not provide you with a lawyer to write your application and you will have to hire one yourself. However, you may be eligible for legal aid.

You may submit the application for legal aid by yourself, without being represented by a lawyer. You may ask for legal aid before bringing the action, enabling you to hire a lawyer to prepare the action. However, keep in mind that your action is locked within a time limit, and that submitting your action after that time limit will render it inadmissible. If that time limit has been reached, the Court will deny your application for legal aid. It must be noted that the time limit for bringing the action is suspended while your application for legal aid is being examined by the Court.

You will have to submit documents related to your financial situation, justifying the need for legal aid and, if the action has not yet been brought, the subject matter of the action, the facts of the case and the arguments you wish to present.

You must send your signed application for legal aid to the Registry at the following address:

Registry of the General Court of the European Union
Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
L-2925 Luxembourg


Last updated 07/08/2024